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Fields of Practice


Legal Information

Bar Certified Specialist for International Business Law

Dr. Ulrich Münzer has been certified by the Stuttgart bar in February 2016 and has completed the continued legal education to maintain the title.

For this special knowlege is required of:

  1. Conflict of laws (PIL) in contractual and non-contractual obligations
  2. Cross-border litigation and arbitration, particularly EU rules on civil procedure
  3. International uniform trade law, particularly the Vienna UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
  4. International uniform company law
  5. European State Aid and Competition Law
  6. Basics of the regulations to prevent corruption, fraud and money-laundering in international business
  7. Basics of International Tax Law
  8. Basics of Comparative Law
In order to prove the theoretic knowledge a law course needs to be attended which Dr. Ulrich Münzer did successfully on the very first occasion: 120 hours divided over 15 days each of 8 hours of lessons plus 3 written exams of 5 hours each.

In addition one must prove 50 practical cases within 3 years from at least 3 of the areas above, among them 5 in formal procedures (i.e. in courts, in arbitration or in front of administrative bodies). In Dr. Ulrich Münzer's case these were mainly be from the first three areas. Advising foreign clients who wish to set up a company in Germany will usually not fall into area 4. In area 7 Dr. Ulrich Münzer at Hotz & Partner can work with Andreas Forrai who is a Certified Specialist in International Taxation.